Monday, April 14, 2008

After Midwest Mix Up Dance Competition

I'm on a dance team here at Ohio State.  You can check out our videos on my dance blog   The good news is that we won 2nd overall!  The bad news is that my mom couldn't come.  She would have liked it and I think she would have been very proud...and maybe a little jealous.  :)  She loved to dance too, but never had any formal training.  I think that's  why she made my sisters and I take dance lessons...and piano lessons and art lessons and ice skating lessons, etc.  I think she wanted to share those passions and interests with us, and give us the opportunity to learn about them.  Her family didn't have the money for her to get formal training when she was younger.

That night, after the competition, I had a dream that my mom was talking to me.  She was lying down, still sick, but well enough to speak.  I bent down over her.  She asked me how I was and how everything was going?

Is it possible that my mom is speaking to me through my dreams or is that simply what I wish?

I felt like she was trying to catch up with me, see what's happened since she passed away, including my dance competition.

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