Monday, April 28, 2008

Mother's Day is Coming Up

Mother's Day is coming up, which probably equals grumpy me. I'm not looking forward to it. I don't think I'll be going home that weekend. I kind of wanted to, but if I did, I'd only be able to go home for Mother's day, that Sunday. M.I.A. is coming for a free show in Cbus the day before, and I really want to go.

I hope that doesn't sound bad that I want to go to a rare concert, and b/c of that I won't be able to go home. Well, I could, but just for Sunday. It doesn't really make sense to drive up to CLE for 2.5 hours, place a flower on the niche, and drive back down for 2.5 hours.

*shrug* *sigh* I'll think about it. I was thinking that I would go home for Memorial Day weekend instead and wear a white flower on Mother's Day. Specifically a white carnation. My mom really liked flowers. And I've been told that wearing a red carnation on Mother's Day means that your mother is alive and a white one means that she has passed away.

It will just be very difficult to listen to every1 who is going home to see their moms. I get jealous and I also feel awkward. A lot of people do not know, so they'll ask what my plans are. For instance, for Thanskgiving or Christmas. Usually I just lie and pretend like my mom is still alive. I want to tell people the truth but i don't want to be the party pooper.

We'll see how my mood changes as Mother's Day gets closer.

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