Monday, April 7, 2008


I had a nightmare about my mother last night.  I don't remember what happened, I just know that I was sobbing over her in my dream.  I think maybe she died (again).  I've never woken up crying from dreams until this year.  I have had countless nightmares which seem so real that I wake up in tears.  I don't stop until I realize that it was just a dream.

One of the most horrific dreams I had was where my family was visiting my mother in the hospital.  My dad and older sister were saying how the doctors said she still had a good chance.  She had just got out of an operation and we all had high hopes.  I walked out of the room to make a phone call or something.  All of a sudden, my dad and sister rushed into the room and told me to come quickly!   I ran into what was the hospital room, except now, it was one of those large hospital rooms you see in the movies at war sites, one of those rooms that house a hundred beds or so.  This room was empty though, with the exception of my mother lying on the ground.  I rushed over to her and held her in my arms and asked her what was wrong.  She was a limp, deathly skinny corpse.   Her skin was a green tint and stuck to her bones.  She started to convulse.  As her body twitched, black green vomit came pouring out of her mouth all over the floor and me.  I didn't know what to do.  She couldn't stop vomiting.  She was vomiting so hard it made her dead body flail about, making disturbing thumping noises on the ground.

This is when I woke up and started to cry.

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