Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This is my mom! (oh and Potatoes)

This is a picture of my mother.  She passed away September 17th, 2008 from stomach cancer.  Very strange feelings engulf me when I look at her pictures.  I feel a gamut of emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, remorse, etc.  Good memories come to mind, followed by terrifying flashbacks of her final days...  

Today, I remembered that she and I used to talk about how much I like potatoes, especially french fries.  I would ask her if she had eaten a lot of french fries when she was pregnant with me.  She said she didn't think so.

Isn't strange what random memories you get some days? 


Amy said...

This blog is a lovely tribute to your mother. I am sorry that she passed away; I can tell that you had a very special relationship with her. I also lost my father when I was 14. It is terrible to lose a parent.

Gurl said...

I'm also very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what is must be like to lose a parent at such a young age. I lost my mom when I was 20 but to imagine losing a parent at 14, that must have been a truly difficult time. I'm sure you must be a very strong individual in order to go through such a traumatic event. May I ask how your father passed away? I apologize if you feel like I am intruding. I just find that it helps me understand my feelings and emotions when I speak to someone who has experienced a loss. A lot of my friends do not understand.

Amy said...

hmmm...I think we should go for tea! It is a loooong story.